Dec 6, 2009


Well I'm pretty tired tonight, been working a fair bit lately... but last night I attempted to stay up for the sunrise. Since yesterday I wasn't meant to work. Got as far as 5am, before I drifted off during the Fifa 2010 world cup draw. It dragged on that much. The only thing that kept me awake for the first half was Charlize Theron!!!
Got asked to work this morning (Saturday), woken up at 930 by Enrique. I went in and well, not going to complain, I didn't have to but I haven't worked with Scott in a while and the money is worth it. I even got a visit from Thanh, well she wasn't there to see me, she came to give Scott Glee, but oh wells...It was something other than work that wasn't expected!
Can you believe it? I am working Christmas Eve, New Years Eve (Don't worry people I finish at 8) and New Years Day! (Don't worry people I start at 530). Feeling sorry for Scott who starts at 12 that day.
I am looking forward to the next couple of weeks but, got some parties / dinners and BBQ's going on. Will be great to catch up, although I've been seeing John, David and Scott as much as I used to anyway!

I just finished watching Apocalypto once again and once again I loved it!
Can't think of much more to say so with any luck we'll be together someday but for now just let me say; Keep your head above water, but don't forget to breathe...

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